Terms of use for data from the MEMENTO database


The MEMENTO dataset contains methane and nitrous oxide data from both peer-reviewed publications and unpublished reports.The MEMENTO database is freely usable, however, the compilation of this dataset is the result of a large effort from many people, which should be acknowledged by the users of this database.

If you make use of the MEMENTO data in any kind of publication, we would therefore kindly ask you to:

  • include the following statement in the acknowledgements section of your publication:

The MEMENTO database is administered by the Kiel Data Management Team at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research and supported by the German BMBF project SOPRAN (Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene, http://sopran.pangaea.de).  The database is accessible through the MEMENTO webpage: https://memento.geomar.de.

  • cite the MEMENTO database as follows:

Kock, A. and Bange, H. W.: Counting the ocean’s greenhouse gas emissions, Eos (Washington. DC)., 96(3), 10–13, doi:10.1029/2015EO023665, 2015.

  • Please also cite the original publications if your manuscript is based on less than 10 individual data submissions. Should the used datasets contain unpublished data, please contact the data contributors to invite them to co-authorship and/or to obtain their agreement to publish the data.
  • Send us the reference of the published manuscript that we could add to the publication list on our website.